Thursday, November 7, 2013

Giraffe Cannon

giraffe facebook silhouetteHere is a fun riddle that you might enjoy if you haven’t heard it already. It’s 3 am and you’re sleeping when there is a knock at the door. It’s your parents who want to come in for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, wine, cheese and other items. What do you do first? Now, if you think you know the answer to the riddle, then you write an email to your friend who sent it to see if you got the answer right. If you got it right, then you can sit tight with your avatar and your profile pic as it is. If you got it wrong, then it’s time to change your profile pic to show that you were part of the riddle contest but got it wrong. Then, you have to change your profile pic to a picture of a giraffe for a few days. If you arelooking for giraffe pictures you can find free giraffe pictures atTHIS link. All of this is great fun for anyone who likes being on Facebook and wants to try out a fun riddle. You can grab a cute picture of a giraffe and start to have a great time as soon as you want to do so.
licking giraffe